

When I started this blog it was my intention to have a bunch of posts which were primarily hidden on the main page - you know, where you can read the first paragraph or whatever and then there's an "click to read the rest" link. I didn't want all the posts to be like that, though, and I didn't like Blogger's options for executing a workaround where only some of the posts would be coded this way. In practice, however, it seems like almost every post I write is a miniature essay between four and seven screens long.

So I ask You, the Three People I Know Are Reading, does the format of my blog make your eyes glaze over? Or is the glazing solely due to content? Should I hide stuff on the main page for better readability? Also: I didn't explicitly say so in the post from last night, but I'm actively wondering if other people feel the same way about adaptations as I do, so I please encourage you to comment on the post directly below. Just scroll down for about fifteen minutes and you'll find the proper link.
