
And Then One Day A Mighty Oak

Other stuff to say, but just for the sake of evading the day's real significance for me, I offer you what I've come to believe, over the last few weeks, is an accurate representation of the current preoccupations of that segment (not so small, really, and yet) of the American population that currently thinks President Obama is doing an affirmatively bad job (and btw, Blogger's spellcheck suggests Obama isn't a valid word; might want to get on that, dudes):





Also I've been trying to figure out whether the people around Representative Michele Bachmann (again, a name Blogger wants me to correct) who agree with her general outlook on the world (a) don't know that she's incredibly incorrect*, in the "you made a category error and are not talking about what you thought you were talking about" sense, or (b) don't care, because it's meat for the ignorant anyway.

More interestingly: are the people she interacts with - members of the press, fellow congresspeople, witnesses before her committee - who don't agree with her general outlook on the world not disabusing her of these essential misconceptions because (a) they don't care, or (b) it amuses them?

* In case you don't know, I'm talking about Rep. Bachmann not understanding that when the idea of creating an international reserve currency was floated as a hypothetical by the sorts of people who float hypotheticals about international commerce (as part of a broader discussion in which we discuss the possibility of the Chinese getting out of the game of holding the dollar as their primary reserve currency, which is a concept I like to call "Holy Fucking Shit Day"**), what was NOT under discussion was the establishment of an international currency, which is a totally different thing.

** Alternatively: "No: Now We're Fucked Day".
