
Does Anybody Remember Shelly Godfrey?

EDITED TO ADD: According to Tricia Helfer, Shelly Godfrey will be somehow explained in the forthcoming TV movie "we're really done, now, except for Caprica, entitled The Plan (as in, "the Cylons have a"). So I appear to be incorrect that Godfrey - who seemed to me like an obvious tip of the hat that there was a supernatural in the Battlestar universe - was what I thought she was. Still, though, people shouldn't be surprised by the mystical elements of the finale. WE NOW RESUME THE ORIGINAL POST WHERE IT BEGAN:

Without actually spoiling anything re: the Battlestar Galactica finale (not that anybody reading this watches it), which I thought was primarily brilliant with a few missteps, people who are surprised that God comes along and, well, Gods Godself out of a machine, can't have been watching the show I was watching. There's a higher power in the Battlestar universe, despite its impenetrable an ineffable nature, and it's been obvious that this is the case since well nigh the beginning of the show. Or what did you think collective lucid hallucinations and Shelly Godfrey and fulfilled prophecies and Kara Thrace returning from the frakking dead was about, anyway?

Also, I was thinking about writing a post about Dollhouse and how everybody online seems to think it's a massive disappointment (superbrief summary of the unwritten post: dude, go watch the first few episodes of Buffy and get back to me), but I'll hold off and simply observe that last night's episode was, as Whedon advertised, a stratospheric leap forward. It was awesome.
