
Doesn't Bode Well For The Long Term

In the first thirty minutes I was on Facebook I went crazy trying to figure out how to disassociate my Facebook profile from a photo tagged with my name by a woman who once sent me an email inviting me to be her Facebook friend*. I've never met this woman, she doesn't know me, and the gentleman with my name in the aforementioned photo isn't me.

So yay technology and interconnectedness, right?

*I never got this - people just put a person's name in front of a popular email service provider and assume that's the person they want to talk to? In high school someone I know sent a really long email to what he assumed was the address of his girlfriend, because it was HerName@aol.com, and received a reply saying "I'm almost certainly not the HerName you're looking for, but she sounds like a lucky girl."

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