

It's pretty clear that President Obama hasn't yet done anything that makes it worth honoring him, so to speak, with the Nobel Peace Prize; it's frankly kind of embarrassing and possibly condescending that he's getting an award for basically showing up and maintaining bodily homeostasis for a while, especially since he's in the middle of not exactly doing everything possible to end the two wars he's currently conducting.

I suspect, however, that the rules for responding to a Nobel Committee invitation are much like the rules for responding to an invitation from a head of state; as I believe Miss Manners once said, there is absolutely no polite way to decline, because declining is the sort of thing that just isn't done.

Aw. kward.

(NB: I have no idea, and no interest in figuring out, how President Obama himself feels about this; I wouldn't be surprised at all if he felt the way I do, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he thought he was totally deserving. Guys who run for President, even guys for whom I happily vote, are not guys with normally equilibrated egos.)


Also, if the Nobel folks liked Obama so much and wanted to see him do Peace Prize worthy things they should've taken the twelve minutes to learn about American domestic politics and realize that he's about to gain a lot of negative attention for this. And be made fun of a lot, even though he had nothing to do with it. Visualize the facepalm graphic of your choice here.
