

So despite not being, as far as I can tell, physically ill (has swine flu gone stealth?), and despite knowing that depression can cause you to sleep more - so, like, I'm always depressed, but I'm not always depressed depressed, and right now I'm not depressed, just perpetually peevish - I slept a lot last night.

And by a lot I mean, I got home at 5:15, at 5:30 I lay down (clothed) on my bed and opened a book, and woke up at 7:15. At 7:30 I decided "fuck it," forewent dinner, and just went to bed. A couple of times through the night I woke up and decided to just keep sleeping. (Which by itself is notable; when I wake up, I almost always really wake up, and can't get back to sleep for an hour or two.) Which led to my finally getting out of bed at 10:00 this morning.

So, I think I just slept, including the brief periods of consciousness, for about 16 hours.

I guess I've been running myself harder than I thought.
