
And In A Semi-Update To the Last Post

I guess I don't really know what to make of interpersonal interactions. You know, between persons. They're more mysterious, still, than I thought they were. Or I'm really bad at understanding what people say to me. One or the other.

In a related story, I bet I'm going to eat a lot of chocolate tonight. Starting in ... now.



I Was Thinking About Myself, As I Often Do

... and I've been searching for a word, what is it, it's on the tip of my tongue, I just can't seem to -

oh, there it is. Yeah. Ahem:


Is the word I was thinking of.

For describing myself. Yeah.

Anyway, that's about the shape of it.



And Besides It Doesn't Sound Like Me!

In the past few years I've become much more comfortable with my singing voice, such as it is.

The past week of trying to record myself singing is doing a very good job of undermining that comfort. Argh.


Doesn't Bode Well For The Long Term

In the first thirty minutes I was on Facebook I went crazy trying to figure out how to disassociate my Facebook profile from a photo tagged with my name by a woman who once sent me an email inviting me to be her Facebook friend*. I've never met this woman, she doesn't know me, and the gentleman with my name in the aforementioned photo isn't me.

So yay technology and interconnectedness, right?

*I never got this - people just put a person's name in front of a popular email service provider and assume that's the person they want to talk to? In high school someone I know sent a really long email to what he assumed was the address of his girlfriend, because it was HerName@aol.com, and received a reply saying "I'm almost certainly not the HerName you're looking for, but she sounds like a lucky girl."

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